
The Ever-Evolving Lies of Donald Trump

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷4/24/2020 12:08:32 pm PDT

A thread on critical thinking, ten tweets.

Steak-umms social media person has come out in the past to point out their own social media account is a certain kind of propaganda (adverts), which builds an affinity toward their brand because they are being open and honest on their social media accounts.

They’ve even said you should critically think about why they put such information on a frozen meat product’s social media; it’s to get you to feel favourable towards their brand, even if you’re a vegetarian (they don’t mind if vegetarians retweet their information to others).

I don’t know who in their marketing department let their social media people go like this, but it sure is getting them a lot of buzz, even in the press.