
Karl Rove: Republicans Are Looking at Up to 450 Data Points About Each US Household

HRH Stanley Sea6/27/2013 7:40:05 pm PDT

OT Stanley here, but

If ever I thought myself objective and unbiased, the George Zimmerman trial is definitely not that moment.

So let’s cut to the chase. Any attorney, jury member, judge or white person in that courtroom is not going to understand Rachel Jeantel. And I don’t expect them to.

In fact, I certainly, like my fellow writer Rachel Samara, understand why white people wouldn’t like Rachel.

She’s hard. She’s black. And your assumptions about her background and lack of education make you feel like you are better, somehow. That her testimony, no matter how powerful and impactful it may be to this trial, is implausible. Weak, maybe? Let’s impeach her.

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