
Another GOP Creationist with Presidential Hopes

SixDegrees9/29/2009 5:11:36 pm PDT

re: #590 Charles

Absolutely — there are a lot of similarities between the two crowds. Another is that they both like to try to snow people into buying their hooey, with reams of scientific-sounding jargon.

And they both use quote mining as a tactic.

And they both compile lists of “scientists” who they say are on their side, that are often packed with ringers, fakes, and people who never signed on to their lists.

And they both like to make their opponents chase down endless citations for articles and papers that turn out to: 1) say the exact opposite of what they claim, or 2) don’t even relate to the subject under discussion, or 3) are written by kooks.

I could go on.

This isn’t at all surprising; anti-science across the board is the long-term goal of those now promoting creationism. Let’s see what the Wedge Document has to say on these matters:

Twenty Year Goals

* To see intelligent design theory as the dominant perspective in science.
* To see design theory application in specific fields, including molecular biology, biochemistry, paleontology, physics and cosmology in the natural sciences, psychology, ethics, politics, theology and philosophy in the humanities; to see its innuence in the fine arts.
* To see design theory permeate our religious, cultural, moral and political life.

This is part of the creationists Master Planning Document. I’m sure it’s been discussed here before, but if you’ve never read it, you should. You need to see what you’re up against - teaching creationism in the public schools is only a small, early step in their plans, and what follows is even more frightening. It also makes sense of a lot of seemingly disconnected attacks on science we’re seeing across a wide spectrum of fields, because it’s Rationalism itself that is under attack, and all of science as it’s embodiment.