
The Downfall of the Limbaugh-Hannity Talk Show Axis Accelerates

Justanotherhuman7/29/2013 4:59:52 am PDT

After watching Ken Burns’ “The Dust Bowl” last night on Netflix, it made me wonder if the same type of phenomenon could happen again.

Are We Headed for Another Dust Bowl?
The devastating drought of the 1930s forever changed American agriculture. Could those conditions return?

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Well, it struck me that an exact event isn’t likely to happen, and there are plenty of other areas that could be affected, not just the Plains, but it’s also amazing that the govt actually has to pay landowners (some of them actual absentees and simply investors) to do the right thing and not repeat history, just in another way. And I also prefer my food grown from seeds that aren’t genetically modified and infused with Roundup. Is that even possible anymore to be able to tell when buying, except maybe, just maybe, on a local level where growing can be more carefully monitored by those who buy the products? After all, those sellers at the local farmers market here don’t grow organically, and I suspect their products are just as full of pesticides and artificial fertilizers as any large commercial farm.

I’m just not convinced my original question can be answered with any certainty, either.