
Gallup Poll: Negative Views of Tea Party at All-Time High

avanti4/29/2011 10:42:12 am PDT

It’s amazing the reach politics has on a persons world view. even in the car hobby. i.e. cars getting good fuel economy are “bad” because the tree huggers like them. They are convinced that modern, small cars can’t go 120 MPH (they can), that they can’t do 0-60 in under 10 seconds (many are faster, they are unsafe (they are safer/mile than a SUV) and the rest.
It’s so bad they turn on everything electrical on earth day, refuse to buy anything energy saving and brag that they leave their 4x4’s idling for half a hour just because. Anything the left likes, they must hate, no matter the logic.
On car forums, the guys building electric drag cars are often treated like Commies just for playing with the new technology.