
Noonan: Can We Play 'Grown-Up' Now?

Flyers19745/29/2009 9:55:11 pm PDT

re: #615 Mich-again

The economy was a train wreck waiting to happen for at least a couple decades and probably longer. Its BS to blame Obama for the whole mess. History Professors and Economists can debate over what got us here but the most productive thing our politicians can do now is figure out how to rebuild confidence and get the economic flywheel spinning again.

As for the Chicken Littles like Glen Beck, they make the problem worse by spending all their effort running around screaming The sky is falling!

Then again, with ad revenue down like it is, media pundits have to make a big noise to get noticed, so reason and logic get pushed aside for histrionics and grandstanding.

But many think Obama’s responses to the economy are a socialist scheme. As if the path to political power in America is in advocating socialism.