
And Now, an Amazing Performance on 12-String Harp Guitar: Alex Anderson, "Under a Starless Sky"

sagehen2/23/2017 9:38:32 am PST

re: #640 HappyWarrior

He’s talking about the double standard. None of us as far as I know have a problem with what was done in the Depression but we do have a problem with these same voters calling us moochers and then wanting the same government ot help them. IT’s the double standard not the desire. They want “big government” for them but not for everyone else and that’s the real reason the New Deal Coalition eventually fell apart.

Sorry, no, pure racism.

Conservatives, including (especially) white southern christian conservatives, were all-in for all the government programs. Well-financed public schools, free college, rural electrification, make-work WPA jobs, free transportation, parks & rec, swimming pools, FHA subsidies, libraries with long hours, generous farm subsidies and price supports, social security, medicare, etc etc etc. When it was only for white people.

As soon as the CRA and VRA passed, when these bennies were adjudicated to be for *everyone*, that’s when conservatives had their sudden epiphany that taxation is theft and government spending was morally wrong.