
Photo of the Day: The Passing of the Torch

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)7/28/2016 10:37:27 am PDT

Here’s my letter to The Onion, yeah I wrote a satirical publication.
I have been a longtime reader of your publication for over 15 years now from the minute I first saw Our Dumb Century in a bookstore when I was 13 years old. Your stories have always made me laugh because as with all good satire, there often was a grain of truth to them or some absurdity. I’m writing you as a fan since as you know with a presidential election on us, we will be having a new President and Vice President in our country. I have particularly enjoyed The Onion’s portrayal of Vice President Biden these past seven years. From his adventures washing his Trans Am, inviting divorcees to his cabin, and his controversial ad for Hennessy. I also know that the VP himself enjoys your character and I couldn’t help but to think about Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton’s pick for VP and how your publication could do something similiar with him. I like the idea of making Kaine a do-gooder Boy Scout type. For example, you could run a story about Kaine bringing homemade cupcakes to a luncheon between a President elect Clinton and Congressional leaders and being concerned about how well they came up. I’m familiar with Senator Kaine as a lifelong Virginian and while I do not know him personally, I think he would enjoy being spoofed in a good natured way the same way Vice President has. Thank you again for all the laughs over the years and the laughs to come.
Best regards,