
Another GOP Creationist with Presidential Hopes

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/29/2009 6:31:49 pm PDT

re: #681 Salamantis

As of November 2007, when the to which article you linked was published.

Subseque3nt climatological studies, most notably the July 2009 Bristol study, have served to temper these concerns.

Global warming remains a serious concern, but as not short-to-middle-term catastrophically so as was previously thought.

Sal, I swear to G-d there are about 10,000 other papers than Bristol and I have been up and down why that is not a final word, and I have further been up and down with you about how even if IPCC is all that happens it is still a catastrophe. Please don’t start this shit up with me again… I am so not in the mood to go through the same bullshit with you over and over. Please…