
Mike Huckabee Labels Lara Logan a 'Hero Journalist' for Discredited Benghazi Report

Lidane11/27/2013 12:25:53 pm PST

re: #64 erik_t

“Making sure you have a backup plan before you start” = “irresponsibility”

Don’t you just fucking love Republicans?

Seriously. It’s called Plan B for a reason. It assumes that you’ve got a Plan A, such as condoms, or the patch or the Pill or whatever. It’s $50 a dose, so it’s not cheap. Using it as your primary birth control would be stupid, but in a pinch it prevents an unwanted pregnancy and lowers the abortion rate.

You’d think that conservatives would cheer having a plan and a backup plan if something goes wrong so that you’re not irresponsible. Guess not.