
Another GOP Creationist with Presidential Hopes

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/29/2009 6:59:43 pm PDT

re: #685 Salamantis

Just furnish more recent climatological studies that refute Bristol 2009 -IPCC 2007 while explicitly taking them into consideration if you can.

Sal, I furnished you with several papers from 2009 that discussed how Greenland and the caps were going faster than IPCC reported. You ignored them. I furnished you with papers about the Siberian and Canadian bog that was going faster than reported and creating a bigger feedback than IPCC reported. You ignored them

Don’t do this shit. I really don’t care if you think I am exaggerating. It is not as if you read any of the things I send you or take the time to understand them. It got old a long time ago.

Now, on the off chance that you will actually look at them here are some other papers. If you do actually read them and process what they mean, we will talk, otherwise you are just not worth the effort, life is too short to keep explaining the same shit to you over and over again.

So read what this says about the current models not taking the ice sheets properly into account from 2009

or this one