
Video: 'A Deadly Serious Pattern': Five State Capitols Evacuated After a Series of Bomb Threats

Grunthos the Flatulent 🇳🇿1/03/2024 3:30:37 pm PST

re: #3 aatharuv

Pascal was the first programming language I semi-seriously learned (in high school). RIP, Niklaus Wirth.

Pascal was the first high level language I learned (at Uni) and the last language I wrote any compiled code in - many years later, and many more have passed since.

brick.exe would run on a VAX/VMS server at real-time priority just below the OS to impose an arbitrary load in increments of 10%. No, it wasn’t sophisticated.

I still have … somewhere … a copy of Borland Turbo Pascal for DOS on 5.25” floppy.