
Pamela Geller Feebly Explains Edit: 'Stockpiling Weapons' is 'Self Defense'

Killgore Trout7/30/2011 11:34:06 am PDT

A nice mention from Gawker:The Anti-Islam Blogger and the Weapons-Stockpiling Norwegian

Characteristically, Geller didn’t acknowledge the edit until she was called out by Little Green Football’s Charles Johnson and others. Today, in a post entitled “Clarifying the Edit,” she says that the letter is not from Breivik (we’ll take her word for it), and writes that she edited it out of sensitivity concerns “in the light of recent horrific events in Norway.”

Uh-huh. “Sensitivity concerns” is a much more believable excuse than embarrassment over her admiring publication of an email from a Norwegian with the same violent, xenophobic worldview as Breivik. In fact, we’re sure she’s been in contact with Norwegian authorities regarding her correspondence with a weapons-stockpiling far-right Norwegian “anti-Jihadist”! Probably it’s a false-flag email from a Muslim anyway! As Pamela says, “If anyone incited [Breivik] to violence, it was Islamic supremacists.”