
Overnight Open Thread

Lidane1/29/2012 10:11:09 pm PST

So just how evil do the freepers and nutjobs think the GOP establishment are?

Allen West being redistricted out of existence in effort led by Romney Florida spokesman

They’re apoplectic about this:

We are clearly at war in our party. Newt is our battle plan.

I think West would make a great Sec of Defense.

In the past two decades - an entire generation - WHEN has the GOP fought ANY Democrat as hard as they are now fighting conservatives?

After hearing West last night, I think he’d accept Newt’s offer!

What a combination that would make!

Pretty sad when your own party sets out to get you out of office. Hmmmmm, a great ad for a Gingrich/West campaign? “The establishment wanted both of us gone. Why? Because we tell the truth” or something like that.

Becoming increasingly clear that for the past decade, Romney has been working a ‘grand strategy’ for this 2012 nomination.

He has had plenty of time and money to build a covert operation in every State with the help of Governors, legislators and also the GOP US Congress.

Romney bought Nikki Haley, Pam Bondi, Marco Rubio, John McCain and others. No wonder the GOP establishment has been pro-Romney and critical or silent on Newt, Santorum, Perry, Paul, Bachmann and Huntsman.

More diabolical than the Hillary vs. Obama contest and don’t underestimate the Axelrod oppo research to produce all the records of donations and promises.

The Republican establishment and Romney with his minions of covert ops and snipers have been trying to kill the tea Party for 2 years. Sofar they have been somewhat successful. They took out Palin. They took out Cain. They took out Backman. They humbled the new congressional members and now seek to finish things off. Remaking the Republican party into thier progressive view of things is hard work but they are going to do it even if it kills the country.. Marxism or fabian socialism is our future unless we can prevail in this election.

Newt, Palin, Cain, West, and possibly Paul could form a nice core for a new party. If that many influential people banded together others would follow. Then Romney and the rest of the socialism supporting scum could finish what remains of the GOP (what’s left now certainly doesn’t live up to the “Grand” moniker)

I can’t figure out how Romney obtained all this power in our party. He’s an unimpressive one term governor from a liberal state. Dick Morris keeps mentioning how Romney set the February primary schedule to his favor, and now we see how he is impacting florida congressional districts. Where I’d his power and influence come from?