
Seth Meyers: Jan. 6 Panel Grills Ginni Thomas About Shocking Coup Texts With Trump Team

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/29/2022 11:47:06 pm PDT

Episode 6 of Rings of Power (no spoilers): those who have been hating on RoP since it was announced or at least since the cast was revealed, will keep hating on it.

The rather absurd claims that the sets/costumes/graphics are not good… will still be leveled at the show.

The directors and producers are going for a particular look and it is different than may other shows. I think it is fine but young kids whose idea of cinema have been formed only in the past 10 years may not understand what is going on.

Overall I liked it (as I do the whole season) but I can see that episodes 6 will not change any hearts.

But at least one key aspects of Tolkien’s outline/timeline has been… brought about.