
Video: President Obama's Full Speech to Canadian Parliament 6/29/16

HRH Stanley Sea6/29/2016 9:38:03 pm PDT

re: #66 Joe Bacon

Oh, I can vouch for that Stanley Sea! I work at Social Security’s 800 number. You would be shocked to hear how many callers love using the “N” word when it comes to Obama. And those same folks are now doubling down with Hillary hate using the “L” word with her. Yeah, they also say Hillary is a Muslim too because she’s “involved with Huma”…

Quite often you will hear Fox News, Rush, other Hate Radio jerks or TV Preachers in the background while these folks use those “N” and “L” words!

Wow. The racism has obviously been there all along, but now it’s so in the open.

They are fucking fools.