
Bob Woodward's Disgraceful Lies About White House "Threats"

Gus2/28/2013 10:58:27 am PST

re: #68 Gus

Highest rated comment at the Breitbart “article”:



Both the nazis and the communist used the same
tactics, just in various degrees.

Identify your enemy-republicans are the enemy
of the people-The commies identified Jews and “capitalists” as
enemies of the people. Don’t the libs
and oblamer also hate the capitalists?

Claim they are the reason for all your
problems-It’s all the republicans fault for the sequester. Mein Kampf (oblamer’s favorite pick-me-up

Point out “obvious
characteristics” (usually useless tidbits like the shape of your nose or
other physical characteristics) of your enemy- they are all racist “baggers”.
Josef Goebbels ring a bell?

Tell the people that to hate and attack the
enemy is ok-FOX News should be taken off the air because they “attack”
dear leader, get hollywierd to do info spots telling you how evil conservatism
is. Nazi and communist propaganda flicks
were created on a weekly basis during the war years.

Ridicule any attempt by your enemy to
defend themselves-MiG you are paranoid and should not be allowed to post hate
speech, you all want to through granny from the cliff, make us drink poisoned
water, deny poor people the vote by making them follow the law…you baggers! The nazis claimed Jews were born liars and
laughed out of court all attempts they made to prove their innocence-until it
no longer mattered.

Deny your enemy rights-NO GUNS FOR YOU, and
your voter registration mysteriously disappeared, you dirty baggers. Weren’t businesses and property taken from
Jews by permission of the nazi government?
The commies claimed everything was the property of the people, yet food
lines stretched for blocks and no one owned anything of real value.

Round up your enemies for easy
“disposal”-register your weapon… aw never mind, we’ll have the
newspaper print your name and address and have the people hound you out of
town…you bitter clingers. Ever hear of
a gulag or a concentration camp?