
Scott Brown Wants Elizabeth Warren to Take a (Pointless) DNA Test

lawhawk6/27/2016 1:28:35 pm PDT

re: #63 Blind Frog Belly White

Polling is anything but science. It’s an art, particularly since there’s all kinds of biases that can be introduced, whether it’s the nature of questions, the order of the questions, and the sample sizes.

Larger sample sizes reduce the MOE, but cost more, so pollsters look for a balance between sample size and a reasonable MOE.

Then, based on the cross section of population that responded in the poll, they look at past elections and polls and see how people responded - and if there’s significant differences, they’ll statistically weight the outputs accordingly.

That’s why it’s always useful to look at the crosstabs to see the raw figures and weightings, if any.

But here’s the thing - Hannity’s busy claiming Trump is up 20 points.

That simply defies reality, because there hasn’t been a poll showing Trump even up more than a MOE on Clinton. This claim is so preposterous that it shows total BS and attempting to lie to keep Trump supporters engaged (and enraged).

When you look at Reuters, RCP, or other polling aggregators, this shows just how out of touch Hannity is on the polling and claiming to unskew ‘em.

What he’s trying to do with the statistics of the polls would be laughed out of any stats class.

But that’s why he fits in with the GOP/Trump cheerleading corps. All lies, all the time.