
Louis Cole With the Metropole Orkest: "Things Will Fall Apart"

silverdolphin4/29/2024 5:57:39 pm PDT

Four years ago today.

Trump still seems to not understand how bad the coronavirus crisis is

Katy Tur shows herself to be a Trump apologist. This article details, in real time, how ineffectual and downright harmful Trump was to the economy and to people’s lives.

“Yet Trump’s leadership in the worst domestic crisis since World War II has consistently featured wrong, ill-informed and dangerous decisions, omissions and politically fueled pivots.”

“the Washington Post reported for instance that multiple references to the threat from the novel coronavirus were embedded into Trump’s classified briefings. Either he didn’t read them or he chose to ignore them.”

“Trump’s comments on injecting disinfectant last week were ridiculed. But they were a sign of something more than the usual Trumpian storm. They were remarks of a President who often appears unprepared, riffs on intricate issues and hasn’t done the homework to master details of a complicated emergency.”

History has shown that this analysis is 100% on target. For Tur to blame the bad economic on the pandemic reveals a lack of seriousness and ahistory as should be career ending.

But then, being a liar never really hurt anyone on Trump’s side of the equation.