
Oklahoma GOP Platform Requires Teaching Creationism

looking closely4/30/2009 7:23:37 pm PDT

How about this from the SC State Republican party platform?


The South Carolina Republican Party affirms the Jeffersonian declaration that life is the first inalienable right. We grieve the
loss of over 45 million innocent lives lost to abortion since Roe v. Wade in 1973. We acknowledge that all human life, born and unborn,
has intrinsic worth. We believe that the unborn and the newborn child have a fundamental right to life which must not be infringed.
Accordingly, we believe that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protection should apply to unborn children. We support the reversal of
Roe v. Wade through judicial action or through passage of a Constitutional Human Life Amendment. The Party is totally opposed to
chemical, surgical, or any method of abortion on demand and the use of public revenues to pay for abortions or to fund organizations
which advocate abortion. We find the procedure known as Partial Birth Abortion to be a particularly gruesome method of
abortion/infanticide and we commend President Bush and the U.S. House and Senate for banning this atrocity, and the Supreme
Court for upholding the ban. We extend compassion to women who have experienced abortion and support pregnancy care centers
across South Carolina as they help women in need. We anticipate the day when our unborn children will be classified as legal persons
rather than as legal property.