
Overnight Ocean Thread

Pianobuff9/29/2009 9:44:24 am PDT

re: #719 Charles

Quote, please?

Here’s some before and after text.

Why aren’t Catholics and ex-Catholics lining up to sue the church into the ground, for a lifetime of psychological damage?

I am not advocating this course of action. Much as I would like to see the Roman Catholic Church ruined, I hate opportunistically retrospective litigation even more. Lawyers who grow fat by digging dirt on long-forgotten wrongs, and hounding their aged perpetrators, are no friends of mine. All I am doing is calling attention to an anomaly. By all means, let’s kick a nasty institution when it is down, but there are better ways than litigation. And an obsessive concentration on sexual abuse by priests is in danger of blinding us to all their other forms of child abuse.

It’s his opinion, and he’s welcome to it, but I could understand why Catholics might not like this statement.