
The Dark Forces Empowered by Donald Trump: Hate Rising, by Jorge Ramos

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷10/31/2016 4:26:16 am PDT

The Trump Effect (tm) has closed a business in my county.

We had two grocery stores and our village’s general store in this county.

One of the grocery stores in the county seat hired a new fellow as an assistant manager (a store in the Jack & Jill grocery store chain).

Turns out the fellow was a first-class Trumpeter. Other than the owner, all the other employees were women. He went on misogynistic rants, belittled one of the women who is a Mexican immigrant, basically made the whole store environment toxic.

All the women quit on the same day, leaving the store with no employees. The store is now closed.

My wife and I ran into the Mexican-American woman at the Mexican restaurant in town there, and she relayed the story; it sounded as if their last two or so months there were miserable.

Not counting our little general store here, that now leaves us one grocery store in our whole county. The next nearest store is a market twenty-two miles away.