
The Lessons of 'Climategate'

tigger20052/28/2011 3:08:15 pm PST

I’ve mentioned this before…there’s this guy “Bob King” who has a degree in marketing (which really qualifies you to be a climate scientist I guess) on Facebook who has been putting up post after post in a very systematic fashion, claiming to discredit AGW. He has a bunch of dittoheads who agree with everything he says. Here’s what one of them had to say:

Liberals do not believe in creation. They believe in evolution. I maintain that if one believes in evolution then all entities on the planet are equal and if trees are sacred and can cause no harm then mankind is sacred can cause no harm; he is a naturally evolved entity and shares an equal position with all others.

But, if mankind is here through intelligent design or some other creation he does hold dominion over the planet and as such can be held accountable for not husbanding the planet.

To me this is the liberal conundrum and it illustrates the evil intent of the warming alarmists. The warming alarmist have no sincere beliefs. They go in whatever direction is necessary to exert control … from waring to climate change to .. what next ?

Bob has been laying out a logical well documented argument that is going nowhere with many who have commented because their intentions are evil. Those with evil intentions (e.g. warming alarmists) cannot be reasoned with; they must be thwarted at every turn for our way of life, our very survival is at stake.