
Breaking: UN General Assembly Recognizes Palestine as 'Non-Member State'

biorabbi11/29/2012 4:29:00 pm PST

Actions which dehumanize or delegitimatize one side or the other go nowhere. BDS against Israeli/Jewish institutions, the university, culture are in this group. So would be a religious justification for exclusive control of real estate as the sole, deciding factor. Today’s PLO status upgrade at the UN is not such a move, and I do not see the harm to Israel here. Indeed, Ehud Olmert today voiced support/understanding for this very UN vote today. From my point of view as a strong supporter of Israel, anything than strengthens the PA and Abbas at the expense of Hamas and Islamic Jihad is a good thing, and while I agree with the Obama position that both parties need to work it out between themselves, steps which force or coax both parties to begin talks make sense. It makes me smile when I see something that strengthens the moderate Palestinians, or when Israel treats Hamas family members(including leadership)while in a state of constant low-grade war. The worse possible scenario for Israel(and it is what I fear most)it for Abbas to unravel completely and for Hamas to take over the West Bank.