
Gallup Poll: Negative Views of Tea Party at All-Time High

Kragar4/29/2011 10:51:35 am PDT

Stay Presidential Donald

Trump fires f-bombs in Vegas speech

In one of his f-bomb tirades, Trump blasted the emphasis on U.S. efforts to foster democracy in Iraq but lamented that issues on American soil are being ignored.

“We build a school, we build a road, they blow up the school, we build another school, we build another road they blow them up, we build again, in the meantime we can’t get a (expletive) school in Brooklyn,” Trump said, according to KNTV, an ABC affiliate.

On the subject of China and its trade policy, Trump said: “Listen you (expletive) , we’re going to tax you 25%.”

The billionaire real estate developer and reality TV show host told the crowd that he’s not your typical presidential candidate, but said he’s willing to “give a lot of stuff up” to make a presidential bid.

“It is peanuts compared to the importance of this country,” Trump said.

Later, he said there is a “good chance” he wouldn’t win the presidency “because of one of those blood-sucking politicians.”