
Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Link to Alex Jones Website - a Ludicrous Fake Story, of Course

A Mom Anon7/28/2016 12:06:09 pm PDT

I found out this morning that there are people who honest to god think the term “conspiracy theory” is just a government manufactured term to make them look stupid. No, they truly don’t need much help in that department.

This kind of completely off the rails “thinking” is why so many people still believe all the anti-Clinton shit that’s been circulating since they began to be active in politics. There are people my son’s age (early 20s) that think they murdered Vince Foster and dealt arms and drugs out of Mena, Arkansas and that Bill is a rapist who paid off judges and DAs to have the evidence disappeared.

So, is there any place a person who was actually interested in the truth could find it, in regards to the Clintons at least? I know it’s not going to change the minds of the hardcore haters, but with some of the younger, less indoctrinated people it might help a little.