
John McCain Blasts Tea Party for 'Foolish' Demands

robdouth7/27/2011 6:20:52 pm PDT

re: #803 Obdicut

Thanks for the shithead, nice to see the civility hasn’t changed from you. I cited specific points that backed up my assertion, such as the protests at college campuses, and other events that track with voting. Let’s look at specifically the 1968 election where the lie of the southern strategy was first formed:

Nixon integrated the government faster than any president before him, and then the democrats took credit for him. The Democrat Wallace, running as a third party member was the segregationist, and Nixon conceded the south to Wallace because he refused to concede on civil rights. Nixon actually has the best record on civil rights and integration of any president during that time period.

This is not rewriting history, it’s correcting a lie that has been pushed by one party to continue to paint it’s opponent as racist for 50 years. Republicans became the “racist” party when they thought racial preferences and quotas was taking it to far. They believed in equal rights, as shown by the fact that they voted overwhelmingly for the civil rights legislation, but when it came to other “civil rights” legislation that was not actually equal at all, but what amounted to laws that would take into account race, they took the same stand they did during the civil rights act of 1964, which is equal rights, and not preferences for whites or minorities. They were the only ones being consistent.

But I can see how that’s not nearly as strong an argument as telling someone they can’t rewrite history, or calling them a shithead. I don’t use the Dkos school of debating handbook, so I’ll leave you to figure out the score.