
John McCain Blasts Tea Party for 'Foolish' Demands

robdouth7/27/2011 6:29:44 pm PDT

re: #800 prononymous

Nice four links, wow, that’s overwhelming evidence. One is a 6 person shooting, not exactly mass murder is it? The other is the muslim shooter at Fort Hood… which proves what exactly? That islamic motivated killers don’t care about gun-free or not. Fine I’ll concede that point.

Ruby’s is the only legitimate argument, because the fact is that Gaby Giffords speech was a gun-free zone in practice. No one was there with a gun to stop Loughner.

Now for the examples in the other direction:
School Shootings

There is well over 100 examples of school shootings where a gunman or gunmen had free reign to kill as many as they could as fast as they could reload, and empty clips. Undoubtedly some idiot will say, “what do you want people packing at schools to defend themselves” to which I will say, of course not dumbshit, but the fact remains that when one of these cowardly killers wants to inflict a ton of damage and not face the consequences, they go to a place where guns aren’t allowed. I wouldn’t be against actual security that’s armed at schools, but no I don’t want a bunch of students packing. I also wouldn’t be opposed to a teacher that had rights like an air marshall or a principal having a gun safe in the event of an emergency.