
European Newspapers Begin Publishing Wikileaks Docs

Rightwingconspirator11/28/2010 11:57:11 am PST

re: #70 b_sharp

I meant rogue. Dumb typo. Sometimes I think I need an RWC Can’t Type sock account. (Hat tip Kilgore lol)

I do not limit our interests to just able to attack us. If North Korea was about to attack SK or Guam or Japan, it’s on. Or Iran and Israel. Or as a response in lieu of a nuke. Or when we finally know where Osama is exactly and need to get him before he moves again. Avoids the need to fly a bomber through various national airspaces too. Plus the thing is small. Not going to blow up the whole area like a nuke, or even the whole neighborhood like a 2000 lb bomb does. This thing could hit a silo or SCUD truck and leave the nearby homes intact. And by nature it is an NCA weapon. Presidential directive only.