
Joe Scarborough to GOP: 'Man Up' and Confront the Idiot Half-Governor

allegro11/30/2010 10:20:24 am PST

I had to roll my eyes at Krauthammer’s assertion of the left’s obsession with Palin. My only obsession of late is to have a Palin free day, but alas it seems impossible. If I come here or visit some other political-type venue, I get that my odds of seeing her face or hearing her name are high. That’s my choice whether or not to be exposed.


I turn on my guilty pleasure of Dancing with the Stars for a bit of mindless diversion - there she is every freaking week. I turned on the local news last night to see the weather - there she is again, coming to town apparently. I just want to check my Yahoo email - yup, looking right at me. I’m watching a cooking show and up pops an ad for her Alaska show - there she is again! It’s like a stinking, poisonous black mold that is creeping into every corner.

Make. It. STOP!!