
In Today's Episode of "Pandering to Idiots," Donald Trump Vows to Rename Denali Back to Mt. McKinley

Reality Based Steve8/31/2015 6:59:49 pm PDT

I just realized what this whole “Denali - McKinley” thing reminds me of. I remember when Obama sent about 100 troops or so to Africa to help provide training and support for the hunt for Kony and The Lord’s Resistance Army.

Limbaugh in particular jumped on that, how Obama was targeting Christians. A lot of the RWNJs made Pavlov proud as they reflexively attacked Obama for his actions. After they figured out just who Kony and the LRA was, they did the “We never said that… nope, you’ve got us confused with someone else”.

FWIW, when I spent a year in Alaska about 20+ years ago, we all called it Denali.