
Ken Silverstein's Tell-All Piece on First Look Media: Where Journalism Goes to Die

darthstar2/27/2015 4:05:37 pm PST

re: #76 Blind Frog Belly White

There was cake at work today.

I’m fighting the urge to go cut myself a corner piece. I’m not one of those who grew out of wanting to eat sweets till I explode.

Pray for me….

I’m on day 27 of no chocolate February. There was a chocolate cake - that was the first time in two weeks I was tempted. Then there was chocolate ice cream. That was the second time in two weeks I was tempted. The bowl of candy - doesn’t even look all that inviting right now. Monday, I may have a piece.

I’d never done a month fast like that before - this was kind of spur of the moment. It wasn’t that bad. Would love to try it with bourbon some time (that’s bullshit…I’d hate to try it with bourbon).