
A Great New Song and Video From Darwin Deez: "Say It First"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/30/2018 12:38:47 am PDT

It’s easy to get caught up in the latest Trump asinine tweet or one of his video tantrums.

Yet it strikes me that this is all very well with the establishment Republicans because, like with their tax-gift to the rich, it serves them for the masses to be distracted.

Take for example our never ending war. Currently in Afghanistan and Iraq, we are in an open ended military engagement. And some want to expand that to Syria.

Now America has usually been at war (even if it was not declared as such formally), contra the claims of Mitt Romney. Our history is not one of a peace-loving state (contra again to much of Americana-mythology.)

So in the budgets the GOP just sends more money to their war-bosses and Trump is happy to sign the bill.

Now some may take exception to the following, but the DoD is as much of a jobs-project as anything the DoT might undertake.

We’ve made the art-of-killing a rather large part of our economy.

But how many of our political discussions get around to this?

It’s proper to be outraged at the Kavanaugh circus, but remember that circuses are meant to entertain. We are being distracted from important social and political issues that need addressing.

The atavism that put Trump and his allies (even if they are not his friends) in power is sticky. As the old saying goes (creatively), you really can fool some of the people all the time.

Remember when you used to hear about this or that trouble somewhere in the world that otherwise is not America or a major nation?

Not anymore. We are consumed with fighting off the latest whining from the crier in the White House.

Xenophobia is about looking inwards and demonizing the outside.

While you may reject the Trumpers’ xenophobia, by the very consumption of Trump’s madness we have stopped looking at the outside. We are now totally consumed with our own inadequacies.

Trump’s goal was to undo most of the 20th century, and like it or not, he’s having some success at it.