
Fox News Admits 'Breakdown' on Sherrod Story

HRH Stanley Sea7/29/2010 6:30:17 pm PDT

Tea Party organizer talking about the planned protest at the Mosque tomorrow in Temecula:

“They hate Jews, they hate Chrisitans, they hate women, they hate dogs,” Serain said. “[The idea of the new mosque] scares the daylights out of me.”

Still, Serafin insisted she’s no bigot.

“I want you to stress this — I’m not prejudiced,” Serafin told me. “I worked retail for nine years and I didn’t even know my manager was gay until someone told me. And when I found out, I didn’t care.”

“They hate song,” she said of Muslims. “So we’re going to sing patriotic songs, Christian songs.”

“God Bless America will be one,” Serafin added.

No words.