
Huckabee Granted Clemency to Serial Rapist

McSpiff11/30/2009 12:09:04 am PST

re: #825 Bagua

If you are going to start swearing and calling people liars that you can speak with yourself.

You are angry and irrational. Please stop.

re: #731 Bagua

Because most of the 400,000 Muslims in Switzerland are not Swiss. They are guest workers, mostly from former Yugoslavia and Turkey. Only about 4% have Swiss citizenship from birth.

For the record, you admit to 16,000 people being born with Swiss citizenship.
re: #791 Bagua

First of all, they are not “Swiss Muslims” they are guest workers. Secondly, tall minarets disrupt the skyline, they are out of place in European architecture. They stand out like the proverbial “Sore Thumb.”

If they were not offensive then the Swiss would not be bothered by them. QED

Your two posts blatantly disagree with each other. One of them is incorrect. Should I attribute this to malice or simply stupidity?