
Komen Foundation Caves to Right Wing Pressure, Defunds Planned Parenthood

allegro1/31/2012 3:55:41 pm PST

re: #76 kirkspencer

ummm, counterpoint. We wanted more than one child (wife had problems that meant one birth only), and tried to adopt a daughter. Sole income making 125% of median household income, owned a 3 bedroom house with just one child, my application was “taken under advisement”, and eventually refused. They didn’t like that I’d moved more than once in five years (even though from army to rental to purchase), they didn’t like us having a sole source of income, and they didn’t like the fact neither my wife nor I attended church regularly. Colorado, 1997.

Barriers can show up in the most unexpected places.

They now consider it better if both parents work outside of the home? Leaving the kids in day care?