
In Today's Episode of "Pandering to Idiots," Donald Trump Vows to Rename Denali Back to Mt. McKinley

CuriousLurker8/31/2015 7:02:32 pm PDT

Oh man, Pam is laying it on thick, as usual:

They came for baseball great Curt Schilling last week. Who will they come for next? […]

It is chilling. America has entered the next stage of submission and dhimmitude. Dark days ahead, very dark days.

First they came for Geller, and you did nothing.

Then they came for Robert Spencer, Geert Wilders, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, etc.

And they will come for you, and there will be no one - and I mean no one - to fight for you. […]

You were warned—when the Islamonazis come for you, Bob, Geert, Ayaan and I won’t be here to save your sorry asses, you ungrateful bastards!!11!

Drama Llama