
Video: Asking the GOP: When Was America Last Great?

silverdolphin5/26/2023 2:06:27 am PDT

re: #71 Targetpractice

The thing about comparisons to the Civil War or WWII is that you’re looking at it from a context of decades or more after the dust settled. All the “doom and gloom”? A lot of that came in early to mid last year, in the aftermath of the VA gubernatorial election and during the worst inflation spikes as the fighting began in Ukraine. A lot of folks have been so drunk on the elation after last November to forget that this time last year, we were getting poll after poll predicting an absolute bloodbath. Generic polls showed Dems marching off to slaughter and there was no real reason to think the political winds would shift enough to prevent that. No offense, but anybody in May of last year saying that there would be no “Red Wave” sounded a lot like the people across history who’ve predicted with confidence that “the boys will be home by Christmas!”

I agree we are a long way from election day and so much can happen. But I would rather be where we are now than not. Still lots of hard work. However, I think we are nearer the end than the beginning.

But I know we will eventually win. Simply because we are organized better to deal with the complexity of the cultural environment we inhabit (Jesus , just look at how well the people like AOC and now even Biden, use new technology ro get their message out vs Trump/ DeSantis. ) Just as an animal well adapted to a natural environment has a selective advantage, so do we in the new cultural environment we are adapting to.