
Komen Foundation Caves to Right Wing Pressure, Defunds Planned Parenthood

Donna Ballard1/31/2012 4:02:28 pm PST

I am deeply disturbed by the religious wackos of this world having so much power over a woman’s right to choose. What are we, pets now? And my family wonders why I won’t go to church anymore.
The next thing you know they’re going to want to put cameras in our bathrooms, bedrooms and the right to monitor our doctors office records so they can stop a woman from choosing to exercise her right to her own body! If these so called people of GOD had their way every woman would be wearing a veil and declare them the property of GOD so that no one can say they have any kind of individual right except the members of their little anti-female rights church. I said it before, I didn’t leave the Republican party, they left me. A long time ago.
This whole thing makes me want to puke. Excuse me if I go and do just that. I might be back later. Maybe.