
Video: President Obama's Full Speech to Canadian Parliament 6/29/16

Amory Blaine6/29/2016 10:01:10 pm PDT

Paul Ryan says he’s on the same page with Donald Trump on trade

House Speaker Paul Ryan says he’s on the same page as presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump when it comes to trade deals.

But he declined to comment on Trump’s recent comments comparing one proposed trade agreement to rape.

“Look, he wants to get good trade agreements,” Ryan said Wednesday in an interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. “So do I.”

Ryan’s comments downplaying their differences on trade came just one day after Trump compared the Trans-Pacific Partnership to rape during a speech in Ohio.

“The Trans-Pacific Partnership is another disaster done and pushed by special interests who want to rape our country,” Trump told supporters Tuesday at an Ohio college. “Just a continuing rape of our country.”

Meanwhile, Ryan has been calling on the administration to start talking to the United Kingdom about a new trade agreement in the wake of that country’s decision to exit the European Union.