
Colbert: Upsetting Facts About Speaker Mike Johnson | Clarence Thomas's Secret Payments

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈10/27/2023 12:14:11 pm PDT

re: #86 The Ghost of a Flea

It’s win-win because because the “game” is simply to feel nothing and do what you plan to do, whereas both kind of opponents you face will burn themselves out: the ones operating in the system burning out because it’s exhausting to genuinely care and constantly interact with bad faith; the ones revolting against the system immediately violating norms such that they can be dismissed or labeled criminals. People that questions too broadly the meta—why does this existing system keep creating this result?—can be treated as unserious, childlike, or simply “unrealistic.”

Recently, the people revolting against the system and being labeled, correctly I think, as criminals are Trump’s violent fans. They do not feel like or act like part of the system because the system is now cool with LGBTQ+ and non-white people.