
Stunning Finger-Style Virtuosity: Matteo Mancuso, "Havona"

Chrysicat1/25/2020 12:36:53 pm PST

I wasn’t CL’d, but Jeb sure was:
re: #118 Jebediah, RBG

Or racism. (Including environmental racism.)

And even if he were the most progressive, I still wouldn’t support him. His legislative record is nil and his plan for overcoming Congressional resistance to his agenda (“There will be GIANT protests!”) is so childishly naive that it is insulting that he would try to sell it to us as an actual plan. And he certainly hasn’t sold me on him having any foreign policy expertise - which by itself isn’t disqualifying if I can trust that a candidate will have, and listen to, a great Cabinet and other advisors. He comes off as such an obnoxious know-it-all that I am not sure he would listen to qualified advisors.

Giant protests? In this country? We can’t even get 5% of the population blocking the entrance of every open business as the Senate is all-but-literally crowning King Donald!