
Crowded House - Don't Dream It's Over (Live From Home, 2020)

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)4/27/2020 7:07:05 am PDT

re: #57 Jay C

Timeless, I believe.

And the black character, IIRC, was an engineer/physicist with multiple degrees and the technical ability to design/build/operate a time machine: and was NOT happy about going back in time to various places and having to shuffle around in the background lest he draw too much *attention*…

At least Timeless dealt with the everybody-speaking-English bit by mainly concentrating on American history….

Neal Stephenson has a novel called _The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O._ that was about time travel.* And as they developed the ability they were specifically recruiting people and training them to pass in the societies they were visiting. (Minor spoiler: One woman agent gets out of trouble by telling someone quite willing to kill them that they are Jewish.)

* - It’s borderline SF since it’s a weird tech/magic (psychic?) combo you need to do it. Plus the complication that you arrive naked.