
Anyone for Windows 7?

ShanghaiEd6/28/2009 7:07:49 pm PDT

I’m always impressed by the amount of computer expertise here. Scary, how far behind I’ve gotten after being a “first adopter” in the Stone Age.

A quick question, for any and all: I am more happy with XP than I have been with any Windows OS, ever. Maybe luck, but still. How long can I theoretically use XP before it becomes a drawback? My needs are very low-tech…word processing, Web, family photos, audio editing in Audition, and that’s about it. No 3-D graphics or games.

Thanks for any advice! (PS: My 80-year-old mom’s replacement computer came with Vista, and it’s almost impenetrable to me. Like a foreign language. Whenever my XP-ability dies, I would love to leap to 7 or whatever without spending another minute of my life on Vista. Is that workable?)