
Rifqa Bary and the Religious Right

Guanxi889/30/2009 5:06:02 pm PDT

re: #70

did you listen to it?
That “prayer” was pretty creepy, at least to my ears.
And it didn’t sound completely sane to me.
And then the guy talking when she finished, sounding as if he’s on the verge of tears. Sounded too much like a Jimmy Swaggart type (or worse) for me.

It’s creepy to those who’ve not been exposed to it. These are outpourings from the heart, pure effusions of wonder at contact with the Divine - of course it sounds crazy: the mind cannot long endure contact or communion with Divinity without some sort of alteration in behavior. Dervishes can twirl and dance for hours; shamans of any and all traditions can babble and see visions, and we regard it as interesting or beautiful or even something appealing. Let our neighbors do such a thing though, and it’s barbaric and benighted.