
Chris Matthews Destroys Michele Bachmann's Revisionist History

palomino1/31/2011 6:48:08 pm PST

re: #79 ggt

Hamilton was an illegitmate child and orphan who grew-up in the Carribean. He saw first hand how slaves and the lower-ranks were treated. He had an aversion to slavery from a young age. I say, probably, because I don’t remember what he may have acquired thru his marriage.

Thomas Jefferson couldn’t free his slaves as long as he was in debt. It was the law. He didn’t do anything to get out of debt. He isn’t my favorite founding father.

There were also laws in place in some states that made freeing ones slaves illegal.

Times were different, I don’t have to like it, but I have to accept it.

Didn’t know that about Hamilton. Still he probably wouldn’t have had slaves. Few, if any, of the northern founders owned slaves.

Jefferson did free a few of his slaves, mostly the ones related to Sally Hemings. But his 130 other slaves went up for auction. The notion that he really really wanted to free them (as the TP would tell you) is a joke. Smart guy, he could have found a way as it was legal to free them in VA.

You and I accept it. Problem is the deluded Bachmanns of the world don’t.