
Watch: Darren Wilson's Full Interview on ABC

lawhawk11/26/2014 3:47:07 pm PST

Of the witnesses who claimed to have seen something (not NA but a yes or no) 15 said that they saw Wilson firing on Brown as Brown ran away, which would mean that he fired with intent to hit Brown in the back.

Kind of makes it tough to claim that Wilson didn’t intend to shoot Brown in the back. It’s just that Wilson missed and only hit Brown when he was closer, when he had his hands up, and as he was likely falling down from multiple gunshot wounds in order to sustain the shot on the top of his head.

There was a split on whether Brown was kneeling when Wilson fired on him.

There was a split on whether Wilson fired on Brown when Brown was already on the ground.

Parsing through all this evidence only makes it more clear that McCullough did what he could to avoid an indictment when so many witnesses corroborated each other in that Wilson engaged in an extrajudicial killing. Firing on Brown when his hands were up. Some seeing him firing on Brown while Brown was kneeling or on the ground.

But none of it matters because the GJ didn’t return an indictment. And that’s on McCullough.