
IT BEGINS! OK GOP Candidate Announces His Opponent Is a Replicant

KerFuFFler6/27/2014 12:10:31 pm PDT

There’s even weirder stuff at his website. He seems to believe that President Ford made him some sort of ambassador and he lists many accomplishments in that capacity. I’ll list a few after his preamble.

As your Ambassador, I speak for The People of The United States and their best interest as their diplomat to help protect and defend The United States Constitution. I was sworn to lifetime duty by U.S. President Ford.

I haven’t received any United States funds currently or in past for my lifetime Duty. I and those that assist me will not fail in our duties to The People of The United States.

As your Ambassador, Hon. Timothy Ray Murray, for The People of The United States, I have:

* * Requested and obtained in 2013, Protection from partial or whole life placement on Starship without the knowledge and or will of any person(s) on Earth or in Space, and the storage of partial human size life on Earth or in this Solar system. This matter is sealed with The People, The U.S. President, and The U.S. Supreme Court.

* * Helped Prevent further un-needed Investment Bank Stimulus to the focus on The U.S. People. Congress finalized their legislation which became The “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.”

* * Helped Prevent an, self only interest and strong arm leverage, agreement with Japan, of American origin, that would have very negative effects on Japan Markets and our Technology and other Markets.

* * Helped prevent illegal and miss leading land and oil deal in the Middle East, of an American origin, after “Desert Storm” major operations in Iraq.

* * Requested and obtained protection of Freedom to Pray on Public School property and Official times by Students that want to lead and participate in such activities. The fore-mentioned Right is sealed by The People, The U.S. President, and The U.S. Supreme Court.

Poor delusional dude….