
Sarah Palin: "The Truth Is an Endangered Species at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue" (VIDEO)

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)9/26/2014 3:52:01 pm PDT

re: #94 Justanotherhuman

Real policy solutions would require thinking.

She doesn’t have the people around her now to do “her thinking” as she did when half-term governor. They knew what she was, too, and I’ve always thought she was given an ultimatum to resign—the experienced pols knew how awfully stupid she was.

That’s my point. Her whole spiel is dog and pony shows like VVS where she gets to attack Obama nonsenically and gets cheered on doing. She’s too chickenshit to actually run for office because it would mean she would actually have to be pressed on her crazy stances and past actions. Plus there’s more money in this and having seen how the Palin clan loves to grift whether it’s reality TV or book deals, there’s another. She’s always been a fraud. McCain if he had any integrity at all would call her out when she engages in shit like this but the coward won’t because he’s too proud to admit mistakes.