
Saturday Night Jam: Bill Laurance, "One Time"

Dangerman7/31/2016 6:13:11 am PDT


some example questions why trump might skip the debates
these are simple, fair questions not tough or gotchas

- In a debate, you boasted of your close relationship with Jordan’s King Hussein, who had died 20 years ago. What is your relationship with his son and heir, King Abdullah?

- You have confused Virginia’s Tim Kaine with New Jersey’s Tom Kean, as you did Hamas with Hezbollah, the Quds force with al Qaida, etc. Should a president have difficulty distinguishing things with similar names?

- The most respected nonpartisan fact-checking organization finds less than one out of every six things you say to be true. In one of your books, you wrote about the advantages of exaggerating, of saying things that are not true. Why should anyone believe what you say?

- You have said that you are 100% pro-choice. You even asked your pregnant mistress if she was going to have an abortion. More recently you said that the law should punish any woman who has an abortion. What do you believe now and why?

- You have accumulated wealth by stiffing contractors, saddling investors with the burdens of your bankruptcies, manufacturing products overseas, and importing workers for your casinos. How have you demonstrated your concern for American workers?

- Why do you think Americans will be safer if Japan and South Korea develop nuclear weapons?

-Why would you like Vladimir Putin to absorb the Crimean peninsula and the Baltic countries into Russia?